
OSHA Standard

OSHA And Process Industry Practices Safety Requirements The Gorilla Guard Ladder Cage Enclosure is designed to retrofit existing ladder cages that do not meet the OSHA requirements as described in Section 1910.27. The OSHA standard requires that any elevated platform that does not extend 4 feet beyond the center of the ladder rungs must use some method of extending the ladder cage to the handrail. See diagram for a representation of OSHA standard 1910.27. The standard is intended to prevent employees from falling in-between the ladder cage and the handrail.

With Gorilla Guard Ladder Cage Enclosure, the potential fall hazard is eliminated and OSHA Standards are met

OSHA Mandated Retrofit of Existing Cages OSHA adopted the 1910.27 standard in 1971 from the ANSI 14.3-1956 standard for fixed ladders. In an interpretation dated 5/27/04, OSHA states the following: “The 1910.27 standard which was promulgated in 1971 does not have ‘grandfather’ provisions that would allow the fixed ladders built prior to the publication of the standard to be exempt from the 1910.27 requirements. Therefore, ladders and associated safety cages (built and installed prior to the publication of OSHA 1910.27 standard) which do not meet 1910.27 requirements must be retrofitted to meet 1910.27 Fig. D9 requirements.”

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